read a little history. Matriarchal societies have been just as brutal as ones dominated by men. Sometimes more so....
What utter balderdash. Exactly what history and "matriarchal societies" are you referring to?
this 10 minute video follows a man and his problems as he attempts to deal with women in authority, much as a woman may experience in our own society.. maybe not a real stretch for the imagination.
there have been some matriachal soceities in history.
read a little history. Matriarchal societies have been just as brutal as ones dominated by men. Sometimes more so....
What utter balderdash. Exactly what history and "matriarchal societies" are you referring to?
everytime i hear jw's talking about free will, i either feel the urge to burst in laughter or feel sick.
each publication keeps talking about how wonderful jokehova is for giving us free will.
the only small thing is that he'll kill you if you don't do exactly what he says.
Cookiemaster: We are either truly free to do whatever we please and live our lives accordingly or we are not free at all and God is a big dictator.
Then don't make big philosophical sweeping black-and-white statements like the above then diminish those who give philosophical answers.
this is an extract from a series on the abc (australian broadcasting commission) - a government owned network in australia, called the 'chasers war on everything.'.
Many a true word is said in jest.
raymond franz introduces a declaration made by uncle fred:.
still later in 1979, in fact on november 17, the day after i left .
on a "zone" trip to west africa, fred franz, now the society's .
Freddy Franz admits the sole purpose of the Society is to preach chimerical nonsense. What do you expect from a man who was a virgin his whole life and dressed like this:
even when i was dyed-in-the-wool j-dub, i felt the armageddon teaching was one of the most morbid concepts to be hammered into the psyches of jws.
think about it, only jws would survive this catastrophe, which translates to roughly .001 percent of the population would survive while everyone else would die a horrible death.
that includes people who do good things and are good people, but are just not jws.
C T Russell never believed it either. He taught that the world is judged during the millennial reign, not killed at Armageddon. He recognised that it would be completely contradictory and unjust for God to resurrect billions of the ignorant dead for second chance at life but destroy billions of ignorant humans at Armageddon.
hello friends, .
i would like some advice from those that are inpartial, and are familiar with the teachings of jw.
i studied with a wonderful jw couple weekly for 3 years.
Immediately stop your JW Bible study and run for your life, run as fast from this cult as you can! Trust me.
this 10 minute video follows a man and his problems as he attempts to deal with women in authority, much as a woman may experience in our own society.. maybe not a real stretch for the imagination.
there have been some matriachal soceities in history.
Men have f*ked up the world. The history of untold suffering and wars and misery is all down to stupid, bully-boy, maniacal, war-mongering machismo male leaders. World history wouldn't nearly have been as bloody and cruel if women had ruled. Unless it was Maggie Thatcher.
dearest jw,.
likely you are reading this because you are wondering that very thing: did jesus become king in october 1914?
will october 2014 mark 100 years of kingdom rule?.
psychology class is teaching me so much.
it's a core class, as i want to study medicine or biochemistry eventually.
we were assigned to read about obedience.
Some definitely would, no doubt. Time and time again, human beings as ignorant sheep have shown themselves willing to commit crimes against humanity in the name of religion and God.
One church Minister quit the priesthood after he conducted an experiment with his own congregation on this very subject - read about it in the Infidels website article linked in this thread:
everytime i hear jw's talking about free will, i either feel the urge to burst in laughter or feel sick.
each publication keeps talking about how wonderful jokehova is for giving us free will.
the only small thing is that he'll kill you if you don't do exactly what he says.
We are either truly free to do whatever we please and live our lives accordingly or we are not free at all and God is a big dictator.
Errr, it's an age-old philosophical question and objection you allude to but the above is sheer black and white thinking. You've presented a false dichotomy.
Think about your normal, every-day life. Everyone has free will but there are CURBS on your free will. You must obey the road code, for example. You must not commit murder, rape, theft, for example. Otherwise you will be arrested and end up in prison.
Does that make your government a 'big dictator'? Does that make your local police officer or Court judge a 'big dictator'?
The issue is not really whether we have free will or not (a failed theodicy) but the question: why didn't God put restraints on the extent of suffering and death that evildoers could permit? He put a limit on Satan when he tested Job after all, ie, God told Satan he couldn't take Job's life, and he has curbed the ability of the other demons to cause damage on earth, and in Romans 13 God says he has set in place the higher authorities to act as a sword against evildoers, so why hasn't God put natural restraints on human evildoers as he has done with the rebellious angels?
For example, if Adam and Eve's flawed DNA after they committed the original sin caused death, disease and suffering in the world, and if Jesus made a clear connection between sin and death, why hasn't Jehovah built something into our DNA so that the an evildoers body develops disease and breaks down in proportion to the level of evil and sin they committ?
Why do innocent children get leukemia but a serial murderer live to a ripe old age if never caught?
Just shows the contradictions run too deep and there cannot possibly be any personal, intervening God as the Bible describes this 'God' to be.